5 Quick Things to Do in Frankfurt

5 Quick Things to Do in Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany (B)

Frankfurt am Main certainly has a lot to offer for anyone looking for something. But when you’re short on time because you decided to make the most out of squeezing some sightseeing in in just a few hours before flying out of Munich, then you need to cut through hogwash and get right to the point. So here are my top 5 things to do in Frankfurt as quickly as possible while still enjoying the most the city has to offer!

This imperial cathedral is one of the most important cathedrals in Germany, which was used from 1356 to 1562 for the coronation of German kings and Holy Roman Emperors, similar to Aachen’s Pfalzkapelle. Built between the 13-15th centuries, the cathedral houses some priceless masterpieces such as the high alter.

Nothing makes for a more enjoyable day than a stroll along a beautiful river, lined with beautiful churches and buildings, with a mixture of historic and modern architecture blending into one.

A small footbridge which crosses the Main offers lovers a chance to strap on a love lock as a way to profess their never-ending love for one another. Not that I encourage this, they do make for some pretty pictures, plus the bridge offers a great view of the city skyscrapers. ...... (follow the instructions below for accessing the rest of this article).
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Sights Featured in This Article

Guide Name: 5 Quick Things to Do in Frankfurt
Guide Location: Germany » Frankfurt
Guide Type: Self-guided Walking Tour (Article (B))
Author: Lorelei Frey
Read it on Author's Website: https://caliglobetrotter.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/5-quick-things-to-do-in-frankfurt/
Sight(s) Featured in This Guide:
  • Kaiserdom
  • Eiserner Steg bridge
  • Römerberg
  • Galleria Kaufhof

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