Custom Walk in London, England by space created on 2018-11-25

Guide Location: England » London
Guide Type: Custom Walk
# of Sights: 14
Tour Duration: 3 Hour(s)
Travel Distance: 6.7 Km or 4.2 Miles
Share Key: VXU3M

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Hotel 41

1) Hotel 41

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Westminster Abbey

2) Westminster Abbey (must see)

Westminster Abbey stands as a striking Gothic church within the municipal boundaries of The City of Westminster. In the past, Westminster was an entirely distinct town separate from London. The documented origins of this abbey trace back to the late 10th century. A century later, during a major reconstruction under the reign of King Edward the Confessor, the church acquired its Romanesque appearance, becoming one of Europe's most magnificent religious structures of that era.

The construction of the current church started in 1245 under the rule of Henry III, who also oversaw the installation of the distinctive Cosmati pavement in front of the High Altar. Its completion largely occurred during King Richard II's reign. In 1519, during Henry VII's reign, a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary was added. The two western towers of the abbey, showcasing early Gothic Revival architecture, were incorporated between 1722 and 1745.

By far more than just a church but a symbol rather, Westminster Abbey, in a way, represents the epitome of Britishness set in stone. It serves as the historic site for the coronation of all English and subsequent British monarchs, starting with William the Conqueror in 1066. Notable figures such as Queen Elizabeth I, scientists Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, writers Charles Dickens, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Rudyard Kipling, actor Laurence Olivier, and many others find their final resting places here. In 1997, the funeral of Diana, the Princess of Wales, took place at this site, and in 2011, the abbey hosted the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Due to its immense popularity, Westminster Abbey is constantly thronged by visitors queuing up outside throughout the year. To bypass the lines, it's advisable to purchase your tickets online in advance. Upon arrival, simply inform the attendants that you have pre-purchased tickets, and you can enter directly. Please note that photography is not permitted inside, so you'll have to rely solely on your visual memory to absorb the magnificence of this place.

No Dickens tour of London is complete without calling at Westminster Abbey to see the final resting place of one of England's greatest novelists. Found in the Poet’s Corner, alongside the likes of Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Hardy, Alfred Tennyson and Rudyard Kipling, a small stone with a simple inscription marks the grave of Charles Dickens.

Per author's own will, "That my name be inscribed in plain English letters on my tomb... I rest my claims to the remembrance of my country upon my published works...", the tombstone inscription simply states:

DIED 9th JUNE 1870

Dickens died at his home in Gad's Hill Place, near Rochester, Kent but was interred in Westminster Abbey following public demand, led by The Times newspaper, that the abbey be the only place for the burial of someone of such distinction. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster, after being approached by John Forster and the author's son, readily agreed and the funeral was held strictly private, following Dickens' own instructions.

Why You Should Visit:
One can't deny the amazing architecture and history when approaching this collection of buildings.
Final resting place of so many people that contributed to civilization, both ancient and recent.
Jewel Tower

3) Jewel Tower

Nestled between the prominent landmarks of Parliament on one side and Westminster Abbey on the other, this site is the sole significant segment of the Palace of Westminster complex that has managed to remain unaltered since medieval times. Constructed during the 1360s to house the treasures of Edward III, it once served as an integral part of the palace's defensive fortifications, explaining its fortress-like appearance. A substantial portion of the original interior has been preserved, including the ribbed stone ceiling on the ground floor, adorned with intricately carved stone images of both human figures and animals.

The Jewel Tower later functioned as a records office for the House of Lords but lost its official role when the rest of the historic palace was ravaged by fire in 1834, leading to the relocation of ancient documents to the safer confines of the Tower of London. Today, it hosts an exhibition delving into the building's history, featuring a model illustrating the lost medieval palace.

For those seeking a glimpse into British political history, especially when Parliament tours are fully booked, this site provides an excellent alternative. Additionally, visitors can explore remnants of the moat and a medieval quay in close proximity.
Westminster Bridge

4) Westminster Bridge

Westminster Bridge faced staunch opposition from the Church, the City, and the watermen when it was initially proposed due to concerns about potential losses in ferry traffic and trade. However, upon its completion, the bridge, featuring fifteen semi-circular arches, was hailed as a remarkable achievement, marking the first stone bridge to span the Thames in 500 years. Numerous artists, including Samuel Scott, Canaletto, and Claude Monet, found inspiration in the Old Westminster Bridge and depicted it in their works.

In 1831, the dilapidated old London Bridge was demolished, leading to increased water flow that resulted in erosion, undermining the foundations of Westminster Bridge's piers. In response, a Parliamentary Act was passed in 1853, transferring ownership of the bridge to the Commissioners of Public Works and permitting the construction of a new bridge. Thomas Page, the Commission's engineer, was tasked with its design. To ensure harmony with Sir Charles Barry's new Houses of Parliament, built after a fire in 1834, Barry was enlisted as an architectural consultant. The new bridge was inaugurated on Queen Victoria's 43rd birthday, May 24, 1862, accompanied by a 25-gun salute to commemorate her 25 years on the throne.

Measuring 827 feet (250 meters) in length and featuring seven elliptical cast-iron arches with abutments made of gray granite, Westminster Bridge boasts the highest number of arches among all Thames bridges. The Gothic revival ornamentation on the cast-iron parapets and spandrels was crafted according to Barry's designs. The bridge's verdant green paint pays homage to the leather seats in the House of Commons, the nearest part of the Palace of Westminster to the bridge. Decorative ironwork showcases symbols of parliament and the United Kingdom, including a portcullis, the cross of Saint George, a thistle, a shield, and a rose.

Why You Should Visit:
What truly sets this bridge apart are the breathtaking views it offers. The Palace of Westminster, the London Eye, County Hall, and the majestic Thames itself create a magnificent backdrop. The vistas to the north, east, and south are all exceptionally stunning.
Big Ben & Houses of Parliament

5) Big Ben & Houses of Parliament (must see)

Famously recognized as Big Ben, this iconic tower stands as a prominent feature of the London skyline. At its pinnacle lies a four-faced Great Clock with a set of five bells, the largest of them bearing the name Big Ben, which is not attributed to the tower itself. Astonishingly, this mighty bell weighs no less than 15 tonnes! It resounds with a resounding toll every hour, while the smaller bells chime every quarter past.

Prior to 2012, the tower bore the official title of the Clock Tower but was subsequently renamed the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The origins of the name Big Ben remain a subject of debate. Some believe it is linked to Benjamin Hall, the overseer of the bell's installation, while others suggest a connection to Benjamin Caunt, a heavyweight boxing champion of the era. In any case, Big Ben holds a significant place as a cultural icon, and its Victorian mechanism provides precise timekeeping for all of Britain, including the members of Parliament who occupy the nearby Westminster Palace.

Also known as the Houses of Parliament, this palace serves as the home to the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Ironically, following the destruction of the Old Westminster Palace in a fire in 1834, there was a proposal to relocate the British Parliament to Buckingham Palace, which was suggested by King William IV. However, the proposal was ultimately rejected, as Members of Parliament found Buckingham Palace unsuitable for their purposes, sticking with the good old Westminster instead.

Today, the House of Commons frequently captures headlines, with its sessions drawing significant attention, especially during Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesdays. Both the Commons and the Lords offer regular access to visitors, with public viewing galleries available. To attend Parliament sessions, one can either request a free ticket from their Member of Parliament or join a live queue outside, which is often a simpler option. There's tight "airport-style" security at the entrance, including baggage scanning and inspection of visitors' shoes, belts, and metallic items. It's not as time-consuming as at the airport, though.

If politics isn't one of your prime interests and your only care for Westminster for its architectural splendor, you may simply take a memorable photo of Big Ben and Houses of Parliament from a distance, at the nearby Westminster Bridge some 500 yards away.
Churchill War Rooms

6) Churchill War Rooms (must see)

The Churchill War Rooms is a secret underground bunker situated beneath the former Office of Public Information in London, presently housing the Treasury. From this covert location, Winston Churchill directed British forces and delivered radio broadcasts to the nation during World War II. The unassuming entrance, tucked away at the base of Whitehall's Clive Steps on King Charles Street, is easy to miss. The Germans never anticipated that anyone would be audacious enough to hide the emergency government in such plain sight.

Constructed in 1938, the bunker underwent subsequent expansions and fortifications, including the installation of a bomb-resistant ceiling during the war. However, experts maintain that it was not entirely impervious to direct hits. The bunker is situated a mere 12 feet underground, in stark contrast to Hitler's hideout, which was 180 feet below ground.

Spanning over 30,000 square feet, the facility features offices, conference rooms, and sleeping quarters for the Wartime Cabinet and their families. When the war concluded, they simply departed, leaving the place virtually unchanged since 1945. The clocks within are permanently set to 4:58pm, the precise time of the first cabinet meeting held on October 15, 1940. In the Map Room, a manual calendar displays the date of August 16, 1945, marking the facility's final day as a strategic site, following Japan's official surrender.

Inside, you'll encounter black phones with distinctive green handles, representing cutting-edge 1940s technology. These scrambler phones, used for secure communication, emitted a white noise that rendered eavesdropping nearly impossible. They required up to 20 minutes to warm up before use. Meanwhile, the maps on the walls are riddled with tiny holes from pins used to monitor the movement of Allied forces and convoys across the seas. Some sections of the maps are so damaged that they've needed patching.

While Churchill only spent around three nights sleeping in this bunker, he often used the bedroom for afternoon naps and was known for conducting meetings here in various states of undress. Among the artifacts that provide a glimpse into his bunker life is a fire bucket which served as an improvised ashtray. Rumor has it that Marine guards used to sell Churchill's cigar stubs, left in the bucket, as souvenirs.

Beneath this secret bunker lies another one intended for maintenance personnel and support staff. This subterranean realm is typically off-limits to visitors, concealed by miles of insulation, pipes, wires, and cables. The tunnels extend beneath Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, and other critical London locations. One of these underground spaces is believed to have served as Churchill's wine cellar.

To bypass the queue outside, it's advisable to pre-book your ticket(s) online.
Plan for a minimum of slightly over an hour for the audio tour.
Keep in mind that there are limited dining options in the immediate vicinity.
10 Downing Street

7) 10 Downing Street

10 Downing Street, or simply "Number 10", serves as both the official residence and workplace of the British Prime Minister, making it the UK's premier address for nearly three centuries. Originally three separate houses, the building now boasts over 100 rooms, with the Prime Minister's family occupying a private residence on the third floor and their kitchen situated in the basement. The remaining floors house offices, as well as numerous conference and reception rooms. The property features an interior courtyard and, at the rear, a terrace overlooking a spacious half-acre garden. The Cabinet Room is isolated from the rest of the building by soundproof doors.

Contrary to popular belief, the famous black front door is constructed from reinforced steel rather than wood. This door lacks a keyhole and can only be opened from the inside, which is why a doorman is always on duty. Speaking of that, the phrase "In the hot seat" originates from Downing Street. The entrance hall of Number 10 contains a large black chair, originally used by the night watchman. Underneath this chair is a drawer that, back in the day, was filled with hot coals to keep the watchman warm during cold nighttime hours. Other iconic features, including the lamp above the door, the lion door knocker, and the black and white flooring in the entrance hall, were added during the premiership of Lord Frederick North between 1770 and 1782.

Like many London properties, Downing Street suffered damage during World War II. On October 14, 1940, a bomb struck nearby, causing damage to the kitchen and state rooms. In 1991, another attack occurred when the IRA launched a mortar attack, resulting in further damage to the premises. A reminder of this attack is a splinter lodged in the upstairs plasterwork, left untouched.

The walls of the Grand Staircase are lined with portraits of every British Prime Minister in chronological order. During Tony Blair's tenure as Prime Minister, he had six plaster bees installed in the window frames of one of the upstairs drawing rooms. Under Mrs. Thatcher, a miniature roof was incorporated into one of the door frames. Regrettably, none of these areas are accessible to the general public, as entry to Number 10 is strictly prohibited for security reasons, with access only granted to staff and authorized personnel.

Contrary to what most folks usually think of as just the British Prime Minister's home and office, 10 Downing Street also serves as a secret link between the wizarding and muggle worlds, as mentioned in the first chapter of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". Through this portal, the UK's leader can sometimes have a chat with the Minister for Magic.

It's also where the wizard Kingsley Shacklebolt works undercover, guarding the Prime Minister against the dark magical forces led by Lord Voldemort. Seems like there's more to this place than you'd expect...

Best enjoyed as part of a broader exploration of Whitehall and Westminster as a whole.
Admiralty Arch

8) Admiralty Arch

The grand tree-lined expanse of The Mall, often considered London's equivalent of a Parisian boulevard (though without the cafes), was designed in the early 20th century as a tribute to Queen Victoria and gracefully runs along the northern border of Saint James's Park. At the Trafalgar Square end of The Mall, you'll encounter the imposing Admiralty Arch, which, until recently, while at the opposite terminus stands the extravagant Victoria Memorial, a lavish 2300-tonne marble homage commissioned by Edward VII in honor of his mother.

Admiralty Arch is actually composed of five arches: two for pedestrians, two for vehicular traffic, and a central arch that is opened solely for state events. Until 2012, it served as a government building and even provided an alternative residence for the Prime Minister during the renovation of Downing Street. Presently, it is undergoing conversion into a luxury hotel and the site of a £150-million apartment, London's most opulent residence.

Keep an eye out for a peculiar bronze nose affixed to the inside wall of the right-hand traffic arch (when facing The Mall). This enigmatic nose was clandestinely placed there by a mischievous artist in 1997 and has since been allowed to remain. The precise reason for its presence remains a mystery, as does its symbolic significance. Some speculate that the nose pays homage to the Duke of Wellington, who was noted for his substantial nose, although concrete evidence is lacking. Nevertheless, this intriguing feature doesn't deter the Royal Horse Guards from their tradition of routinely rubbing the protrusion for good luck, a sign of their admiration for the Iron Duke.
Goodwin’s Court

9) Goodwin’s Court

In the Covent Garden area of London, you'll come across numerous narrow alleys adorned with small storefronts. Among these lesser-known and tucked-away passages lies Goodwin's Court, a dark and slender alley that's discreetly incorporated into the facade of The Theatre Goers Club of Great Britain and conveniently located just a short distance from Cecil Court and Charing Cross Road. Stepping into this charming court, which dates back to around 1627, is like taking a journey back in time to the Georgian era, evident in the characteristic bow-fronted windows (remnants of the previous row of shops), glossy black doors adorned with gleaming knockers and brass knobs, and brass plates bearing the names of the businesses that occupy the space.

In the world of Harry Potter films, this place is very reminiscent of Diagon Alley, although, depending on the weather and lighting, it can even evoke a sense of its creepy evil twin, the Knockturn Alley. A stroll through Goodwin's Court is well worth it, if only to witness the authentic street lanterns and darkly painted structures that inspired the props created by Warner Brothers for the Harry Potter movies. Although you won't find wizarding books, robes, or wands here, the eerie resemblance between the black bay windows of Goodwin's Court and the film set is uncanny. It might just send shivers down your spine as you imagine encountering characters like Bellatrix Lestrange or Lucius Malfoy apparating in the dead of night!
The Salisbury Pub

10) The Salisbury Pub

Dating all the way back to 1899, the Salisbury has a rich history, and its charming Victorian style is a magnet for folks who can't resist snapping pictures. Inside, you'll find glass etched with Art Nouveau designs, colorful stained glass, intricately carved mahogany, and some seriously fancy upholstery that'll catch your eye.

When it comes to food, this place serves up classic English pub grub that's top-notch, like fish and chips and Yorkshire pudding, plus a different roasted meat special each day that won't break the bank. If you're in the mood for something a bit more modern, they've got you covered with snacks and pub favorites like sandwiches and nachos. Definitely give their "award-winning" steak pie a shot – it comes with charred cabbage, a red wine dipping gravy, and your choice of chips or mash; a must-try if you're craving a hearty meal.

You won't go thirsty here either, because there's a full bar stocked with beer, wine, and craft cocktails. You'll have plenty of modern ales to choose from, and they mix things up with traditional cask ales like Courage Directors and Theakston's throughout the month. Just a heads-up, though: they don't do reservations, so it's first come, first served. If it's hopping when you arrive, be ready to wait a bit. The trick is to snag a table first, and then make your way to the bar to place your order. Enjoy!
Carnaby Street

11) Carnaby Street

Until the 1950s, Carnaby was a quiet street on the western edge of Soho, mainly inhabited by sweatshop tailors who crafted suits for the nearby Savile Row in Mayfair. However, in 1954, Bill Green opened a shop in the neighboring Newburgh Street, where he sold bold and unconventional clothing to the gay community frequenting the local baths. Soon after, John Stephen, the son of a grocer from Glasgow, launched "His Clothes" on Beak Street. In 1960, Stephen relocated his business to Carnaby and swiftly established a chain of stylish boutiques that catered to the growing demand for flamboyant men's fashion, including the iconic "I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet" store. By 1964, Carnaby had become a magnet for Mods, Jamaican Rude Boys, and other fashion-forward individuals, as noted by the Daily Telegraph. It was also the year when Mary Quant introduced her first miniskirt to the area, solidifying Carnaby as the epicenter of London's vibrant "Swinging Sixties" scene, with its street sign being the most popular postcard in the city.

However, Carnaby Street's excessive hype eventually led to its downfall, as it transformed into a street filled with overpriced and low-quality merchandise. Today, it has been transformed into a pedestrianized and fashionable area once more, but it is predominantly occupied by chain stores. To experience the latest in contemporary London fashion, one must explore nearby areas such as Fouberts Place, Newburgh Street, and Kingly Court or venture to the east of London. The pedestrianization of parallel Kingly Street has injected a vibrant nightlife into this corner of Soho, with patrons spilling out from the restaurants and bars that now occupy its eastern side, including one of London's longest-running blues bars ("Ain't Nothin But The Blues Bar") at #20.
St. James's Palace

12) St. James's Palace

Constructed in the 1530s by Henry VIII, who also laid out the hunting grounds that eventually became Saint James's Park, Saint James's Palace marked the first royal dwelling on this particular parcel of land, located to the south of Piccadilly and to the north of The Mall. Following the devastating fire that engulfed Whitehall Palace in 1698, all of London's attention shifted to this palace, which assumed the role of the new royal residence. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the surrounding area grew into a prestigious residential district, leading to the disappearance of older estates as mansions sprouted and streets were carefully planned for the aristocracy.

In 1952, Queen Elizabeth II delivered her first address as monarch from this historic location, and foreign ambassadors continue to hold official accreditation to the Court of Saint James's. While the palace houses various royal chambers and administrative offices, it remains off-limits to the general public. Nevertheless, the unassuming Tudor facade is worth a brief detour from The Mall, and the Friary Court in front provides an impressive backdrop for Trooping the Colour, a component of the Queen's official birthday festivities.

Visitors often seize the opportunity to capture a photo of the guardsman in scarlet attire standing watch outside the imposing Tudor gateway. It's worth noting that the Changing the Guard ceremony at this location occurs solely on days when there is a changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.
St. James's Park

13) St. James's Park (must see)

Many years ago, a royal once asked a courtier about the cost of closing Saint James's Park to the public. The courtier's response was, "Only your crown, ma'am". This park, bordered by three palaces—Buckingham, St. James's, and the governmental complex of the Palace of Westminster—is among London's most enchanting green spaces. Furthermore, it holds the distinction of being the oldest, as it was originally marshland acquired by Henry VIII in 1532 to serve as a deer nursery. Later, during the reign of James I, the land was drained, and an aviary was installed, giving rise to the name Birdcage Walk, along with a zoo that featured crocodiles, camels, and an elephant.

Upon Charles II's return from exile in France, where he was greatly impressed by the magnificent gardens of the Palace of Versailles, he redesigned the park into formal gardens, complete with avenues, fruit orchards, and a canal. The lawns became home to goats, sheep, and deer. In the 18th century, the park took on a different role as a hunting ground for affluent individuals seeking nighttime companions. A century later, John Nash revamped the landscape in a more naturalistic, romantic style. When gazing down the lake toward Buckingham Palace, you could easily imagine yourself on a country estate.

At the east end of the lake, there is Duck Island, home to a large population of waterfowl, including pelicans, geese, ducks, and swans that belong to the Queen. From March to October, you can find deck chairs available for a fee, filled with office workers enjoying lunch while being serenaded by music from the bandstands at midday. One of the most enjoyable times to stroll through the park's leafy walkways is in the evening, with Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament rising above the floodlit lake.

Why You Should Visit:
Ample green areas for relaxation and abundant wildlife.
Additionally, you might encounter live performances, events, or other enjoyable activities.
Buckingham Palace

14) Buckingham Palace (must see)

If Buckingham Palace were open year-round, it would undoubtedly rank as the most frequented tourist attraction in Britain. However, it welcomes the public for most of August and September and on some days in winter and spring.

A tour here encompasses the palace's 19 State Rooms, featuring magnificent gilt moldings and walls adorned with priceless Old Masters' artwork. The Grand Hall, followed by the Grand Staircase and Guard Room, astonish with their marble grandeur and opulent gold leaf decor, complemented by colossal, sparkling chandeliers. Other noteworthy stops include the dramatic Throne Room, housing the original 1953 coronation throne, and the Ballroom, where the Queen wielded a sword to confer knighthoods and other honors with a gentle touch on the recipient's shoulders. The State Dining Room is adorned with royal portraits, while the Blue Drawing Room dazzles with its resplendent beauty. The Music Room, designed in a bow-shaped layout, boasts lapis lazuli columns framing floor-to-ceiling arched windows, while the White Drawing Room's alabaster and gold plasterwork makes an imposing statement of affluence and authority.

The Changing the Guard ceremony remains one of London's most captivating free spectacles, culminating in front of the palace. To the accompaniment of live military bands, the old guard proceeds up The Mall from St. James's Palace to Buckingham Palace, followed shortly by the new guard from Wellington Barracks. In the forecourt, the captains of the old and new guards symbolically exchange the keys to the palace. Arriving early is advisable for the best vantage point.

Reasons to Visit:
Fascinating opportunity to explore portions of a functioning palace, even though access to its full 700 rooms is restricted.

Travel Tip:
Visitors gain entry via timed-entry tickets, with slots available every 15 minutes throughout the day. It's highly recommended to complement your visit with a guided tour of the extensive palace gardens, which can also be explored separately. Allocate up to two hours to fully appreciate the experience.
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