Custom Walk in Paris, France by kaedeama_e7658 created on 2024-10-15

Guide Location: France » Paris
Guide Type: Custom Walk
# of Sights: 6
Tour Duration: 4 Hour(s)
Travel Distance: 11.3 Km or 7 Miles
Share Key: PLQKD

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Cathedrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral)

1) Cathedrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral) (must see)

While the Eiffel Tower is an instantly recognizable symbol of France, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is an unmistakable symbol of Paris. At the time of its construction, it was the most ambitious cathedral project ever attempted in France, with its vaults rising over 33 meters and holding a national height record for several decades. Its architectural complexity and intrinsic beauty have long made it one of Paris's top landmarks and an absolute must-see for visitors.

Largely completed in the 13th century, the cathedral's construction took overall around 160 years, and thus can be attributed to an early-Gothic period. Following later attempts to modernize it in the 13th century, the final major round of work on the building came in the 19th century to repair the damage caused by the French Revolution's brutal vandalism. Almost all of the decorative elements seen today date back to that time.

Aside from architecture, another reason the Notre-Dame is so famous is "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" novel by Victor Hugo written in 1831. In the course of history, the cathedral has witnessed many glorious and tragic events. In the midst of the Second World War, upon the Fall of France, there were fears that the German invaders might destroy the freshly renovated stained glass of the Rose Window. As a result, a lion's portion of the glass was hidden and re-installed only after the war ended. Created in the 13th century, this world's biggest glass window recently has made headlines again after successfully surviving the devastating fire in April 2019, along with other artifacts and relics which were temporarily removed for safety.

Regrettably, that fire completely destroyed certain parts of the building, like the roof and the historic spire. To rebuild the iconic monument, a major fundraising campaign has been launched managing to generate over $1bln. After a projected five-year restoration period, hopes are high that the Notre-Dame Cathedral will reopen its doors in renewed splendor.
Pyramide du Louvre (Louvre Pyramid)

2) Pyramide du Louvre (Louvre Pyramid)

The iconic glass pyramid entrance to the Louvre is a testament to the lasting fascination of the French with ancient Egypt, and perhaps the first thing associated with the Louvre in the eyes of the numerous tourists visiting Paris these days.

Initially considered a bit too futuristic and arousing concerns over its expedience and extravagance (as being too big or too glassy), this pyramid nonetheless has played well the role of a "beacon" for visitors, just as intended. Amid the debate as to whether the Louvre's great size demanded multiple smaller entrances, instead of just one, to ensure getting in and out quicker, the idea of the Grand Louvre pyramid being more than just a gate but a symbol of national power and greatness prevailed.

Whether one admires the pyramid or not, it is hard not to appreciate its sheer engineering magnificence, projecting both solidity and immateriality. Similar to the one in Giza, the Louvre pyramid follows the golden mean proportions and features specially laminated glass that lacks the greenish tinge present in commercially available glass, resulting in minimal color distortion when viewing the Louvre's facade through it. On Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as on the first Saturday of the month, the museum stays open through the night and the pyramid goes ablaze, giving the Louvre a very special touch.

In 2019, to celebrate the pyramid's 30th anniversary, Californian artist JR produced a collaborative artwork that created a colossal optical illusion, making it seem as though the pyramid had vanished underground. Fortunately, it was just an entertaining stunt, and the genuine pyramid remains in its place. However, if you want to be sure, pay a visit to the Louvre when you're next in Paris, and confirm it for yourself!
Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Garden)

3) Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Garden) (must see)

Nowadays a lovely park, the Tuileries Garden has been a witness to some of the most turbulent events in French history. Centermost of all the Paris city parks, it forms part of the triumphal axis (the so-called "Grand Axe") stretching from La Défense plaza all the way to the Louvre. The garden is almost totally flat and has a circular fountain in the middle, which is most popular in summer.

Originally, this Italian Renaissance-style garden was created for Queen Catherine de Médici who, in the 16th century, began construction of a palace just outside the western walls of the capital, which took the name of the tile factories (called "tuileries") that it replaced. First opened to the public in 1667, it became fully accessible after the French Revolution.

In 1789, following the fall of the Bastille, King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, moved into the palace in a publicity stunt to get "closer to the people". Sadly, this stunt eventually produced the undesired effect and resulted in the royal family being locked up in the palace under house arrest. Three years later, the Tuileries Palace came under attack in what proved to be the defining moment of the Revolution. The French monarchy was abolished as a result, and quite radically so, with the help of the then newly-invented guillotine installed in Place de la Concorde. The last king of France, as he rose to the scaffold, turned to his captors and said: "Gentlemen, I am innocent of everything of which I am accused. I hope that my blood may cement the good fortune of the French."

In the 19th century, Napoleon merged the Tuileries with the Louvre in a bid to create one huge super-palace complex. The project was barely completed when, during the bloody revolutionary uprising of 1871, the former royal Tuileries Palace was set on fire and completely destroyed. But the palace garden survived and still retains the general outline of the original master-plan.

In the 1990s, the landscape was renewed as part of the Grand Louvre project. Now free to access, the park is an oasis of calm amid the bustle of Paris. At visitors disposal here are a good number of green chairs to sit on and enjoy ice cream or drinks, plus a pond with small rented boats from which one can enjoy a marvelous view of the Eiffel Tower or simply unwind to the chirp of the local birds.

Don't just stay in just one place – explore a variety of views and spots, as each provides a different perspective!

Gated Area
Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower)

4) Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower) (must see)

Equally grand from whatever angle you look at it, whether just walking past or watching it from a distance, day or night, the Eiffel Tower lives up to its iconic status with ease. No wonder it is the no. 1 attraction everyone wants to see on their trip to Paris. In fact, it has become so much a symbol of Paris and France, that it is hard to imagine the time when it did not exist.

Completed by French architect Gustave Eiffel in 1889, right from the outset, the tower was an enormous success, although not to everyone's taste. Before the construction even started, a group of prominent French artists and members of academia disparaged the idea as utterly useless and even monstrous. Despite that, in 2015 the tower proved to be the most visited paid landmark in the world, seeing that year alone almost 7 million visitors.

There are several reasons the tower is so popular. For starters, the entire wrought-iron structure is totally see-through, so you can literally see all of it from one end to the other. Secondly, unlike some other high-rises, the tower is there for visitors only and nothing else. And finally, in Paris where tall buildings are still in rather short supply, the bird's eye view opening from the top of the tower is truly unique and indeed breathtaking. Standing up there, you won't have difficulty spotting all of Paris's top attractions such as the Louvre, the Grand Palace, Montmartre, or the Arch of Triumph.

Moreover, the complete Eiffel experience is not limited to just climbing the tower itself, but may also include a picnic nearby or visiting the Field of Mars not far away. The abundance of benches, grassy lawn and vendors in the vicinity, selling all sorts of snacks, drinks and ice cream, make it a totally comfortable experience. Also adding to the charm is the near presence of the river Seine rolling its waters quietly and majestically.

Remember to bring along some warm clothes, because it can get much colder at the top, especially when it's windy.
During the day, if it is hot, bring an umbrella to offer you some shade, and lots of water.
Arc de Triomphe (Triumphal Arch)

5) Arc de Triomphe (Triumphal Arch) (must see)

The spot at the termination of the Champs Elysées Avenue was always the subject of numerous plans for some kind of landmark monument. It was not until 1806, however, that Emperor Napoleon finally decreed that a triumphal arch, dedicated to the glory of his Great Army, should be built on the site. Napoleon's architectural projects all made clear his desire to identify his regime with the glory of imperial Rome, and the design was inspired by the Roman Arch of Titus.

The measure of Napoleon's audacious ambitions can be seen from the size of the Arc de Triomphe: a colossal 45 meters wide by 50 meters high, making it almost certainly the biggest triumphal arch in the world. Because of the presence today of the towers of La Défense on Paris's western horizon, it is hard to appreciate the Arc's original impact on the cityscape, when it was the most prominent and massive object for miles around, a hegemony it retained until the building of the Eiffel Tower in the 1880s.

Inevitably, the arch quickly became an object of the national pride and subsequently the world-famous symbol of French patriotism. Built in the era when a war was undoubtedly the "overriding argument of kings", the arch was intended primarily for triumphal entrances into Paris by victorious French troops. Napoleon himself had a chance to pass beneath this arch mock-up replica only once, together with his bride Marie-Louise, the Archduchess of Austria, in 1810. The other Napoleon – Napoleon III – was more fortunate in this respect, and was able to ride underneath the completed arch upon his ascending to the throne in 1852.

As to the proper victory march, the Triumphal Arch saw it for the first time only in 1919. The aftermath of World War I, though, shifted the French public interest away from war and, as of 1921, the arch has been solely the place of commemoration of the fallen soldiers, for which purpose there's a tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Flame of Remembrance.

The roundabout encircling the Arc de Triomphe is referred to by Parisians as L'Étoile, or "the Star," due to the 12 avenues that emanate from it. By climbing the stairs to the top of the arch, you can witness the star-shaped pattern of the radiating streets and enjoy a panoramic view of the Champs-Élysées leading towards Place de la Concorde and the Musée du Louvre in the distance.
Moulin Rouge (The Red Mill)

6) Moulin Rouge (The Red Mill) (must see)

Since its opening in 1889, the same year as the Eiffel Tower's construction, Moulin Rouge has been offering world-class dance entertainment, becoming a meeting place for Parisians and visitors from all walks of life. The elegant cabaret attracted the uber-rich, society ladies, middle class, artists, and foreign visitors who rubbed shoulders and enjoyed the popular can-can dance, which was first popularized here. Today, visitors can book a table, savor dinner and champagne, and experience a magical dance performance.

Over the years, the venue has hosted numerous celebrities and royal guests. In 1890, the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VII, visited the cabaret to witness the new and riveting can-can dance. A year later, artist Toulouse-Lautrec created his first poster for Moulin Rouge.

Ginger Rogers graced the stage for the 90th anniversary in 1979, while Queen Elizabeth II attended a private show in 1981. Other members of the British royal family that have visited Moulin Rouge include Prince Edward, Princess Anne, Prince Charles, and Princess Diana. Liza Minnelli, Dean Martin, and Frank Sinatra also took part in special galas. The 100th anniversary celebration featured a star-studded gala with Lauren Bacall, Ella Fitzgerald, and Jerry Lewis.

Moulin Rouge has been featured in countless books, plays, and films. The 2001 film "Moulin Rouge!", directed by Baz Luhrmann, re-popularized this vibrant and one-of-a-kind place, which burned down in 1915 and was rebuilt in 1921. An intensive renovation took place in 1951, and the same decor remains in place today.

Why You Should Visit:
Moulin Rouge has been the center of Parisian nightlife for over 130 years, influencing entertainment across the world. It's a must-visit destination to witness the unique atmosphere that has attracted celebrities, artists, and royalty.

Visit at sunset for photos of Moulin Rouge's iconic windmill and neon signs lit up against the backdrop of a darkening sky.
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